Crystals for Love and heart pack
Crystals for Love and heart pack
Crystals for Love and heart pack
Crystals for Love and heart pack

Crystals for Love and heart pack

Regular price $60.00
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If you want to open your heart, to heal, to feel loved, to know what true love is, then these magical combination of healing crystals are for you . They are just what you need to attract all kinds of love, including self-love, love for life and romantic love. Wherever you happen to be on your spiritual journey,these crystals have the perfect frequencies for your heart to flourish and grow.
Crystals in the Selenite Bowl and placed in Love heart Box 


Malachite helps to transform your love life. Tough love is what malachite energy is all about. It doesn't let you engage in those same old negative patterns. When you connect with malachite, you often gain clarity on the situations or circumstances that you can change to create positive progress.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz helps your spirit to blossom with the heart opening properties of understanding, compassion and generosity. Connecting with Rose Quartz can improve your self-love, your relationships with others, your humanity and your love for life.

Mangano Calcite

Encouraging you to feel love for yourself, as it dissolves resistance and releases fear,

grief and resentment that keeps the heart trapped in the past. It brings repressed

memories to the surface for healing.

Pink Tourmaline

Facilitates accepting unconditional love, opening the heart to give and receive. Induces emotional balance and calmness bringing passion to life. Overcomes abusive and destructive relationship patterns, supports stepping into your own personal power.

Ruby in Fuschite

An emotional balancer and profoundly healing crystal for the heart. Perfect for releasing grief or heartbreak. It reassures that it is safe to love again and keeps an

open heart chakra functioning optimally so that the love is received and radiated

out appropriately.

Selenite Bowl

It is the ideal way to store and charge your crystals simultaneously. This small bowl made of Selenite crystal can hold your stones while charging and cleansing them so you don’t have to worry about clearing your crystalsIt will amplify the energy of all crystals set upon it.